The Sonoma Valley Democrats are a chartered, grass-roots Democratic Club. We are an active voice for democracy in Sonoma Valley working to:
- elect strong Democratic candidates
- increase voter registration
- have an impact concerning key issues.
Take place on the 4th Monday of each month. Everyone is welcome at no charge. For details email
Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities
The Executive Board of the Sonoma Valley Democrats has endorsed the Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities letter which can be found here: Sonoma County Support for Immigrant Communities
Sonoma Valley Democrats February General Meeting
Sonoma Valley Democrats January General Meeting
Thank you to the more than 70 local voters who attended and to Congressman Mike Thompson for speaking and answering many questions. The meeting minutes can be found here: SVD Jan. 27, 2025 Minutes
The Sonoma Valley Democrats Secretary, Dr. Mary McDevitt, is telling Santa that SVD more than $500 worth of new socks and underwear to Sonoma Overnight Support and Homeless Action Sonoma. Tremendous thanks to everyone who was able to donate!
Sonoma Valley Democrats Holiday Party
Many thanks to the more than 50 local friends and neighbors who were able to attend the Sonoma Valley Democrats Holiday Party, especially our volunteers! Delicious food, drink, and great company were enjoyed by all. Special thanks to those who were able to donate warm new socks and underwear for our local unhoused brothers and sisters. Onward to a year of community and positive action.
SV Dems November Virtual Meeting
Thank you to the more than 40 people who were able to attend our recent General Meeting, especially our speakers: Vicki Handron, attorney at Sonoma Immigrant Services, and Claudia Robbins member of the North Bay Rapid Response Steering Committee. The minutes can be found here: SVD Min 112524 Gen Mtg Watch for more details soon about what we can do to support their work in Sonoma Valley.
SV Dems Sept. 23rd Virtual General Meeting
Thank you to the more than 40 local voters who were able to attend the Sonoma Valley Democrats September virtual General Meeting on Monday, Sept. 23 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. The main speaker was Sonoma City Council Member Sandra Lowe addressing the Democratic recommendations on the Ballot Measures for November. The minutes can be found here: SVD Minutes 092324
Summer Social and Fundraiser
Tremendous thanks to the more than 80 local voters who were able to attend our Summer Social and to the volunteers who made it happen! Thanks to Westerbeke Ranch for hosting us, to Iron Horse and Denmark St. for the delicious wine and to Kari Copple of 7th Street Flowers and Haystack Farm for the beautiful flowers! We were able to raise funds for our annual scholarships and for our “adopted” candidate: Will Rollins for Congress in CA 41.
SV Dems Aug. 26th Virtual General Meeting
Thank you to the more than 40 local voters who were able to attend our August meeting and also tremendous thanks to our presenters for addressing our group and patiently answering our many questions. The members present voted to endorse Measure T ( Sonoma City Tax), Proposition 32 (Living Wage), Prop. 33 (Justice for Renters), Yes on Measure I (Our Children Our Future), and No on Measure J (Factory Farms). The minutes can be found here: SVD Gen Mtg Min 082624
Voter Registration and Information at Farmers’ Market
We are hosting a voter registration and Information Table at the Friday Farmers’ Market in Depot Park, Sonoma.
SV Dems July 22 Virtual General Meeting
Thank you to the more than 30 local voters who were able to attend our meeting and tremendous thanks to Christopher Cabaldon for addressing our group and patiently answering our many questions. The members present unanimously voted to endorse him for State Senate District 3! The minutes can be found here: SVD Minutes 072224
SV Dems May 20th Virtual General Meeting
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Sonoma Valley Democrats May virtual General Meeting on Monday, May 20th, at 6:30pm. The special guest speaker was Martin Bennett, Instructor Emeritus of History Santa Rosa Junior College, presenting opportunities to canvass in key districts with UNITE HERE. A proposed Middle East Cease Fire Resolution was discussed. The minutes can be found here: SVD Gen Mtg Min 052024
MAD HATTER SPRING FLING: Sunday April 28, 3-5pm
A great turnout for the SV Dems Mad Hatter Spring Fling! Tremendous thanks to Assm. Damon Conolly, Sonoma Valley Grange, Iron Horse Winery, Homage Flowers, Andrew Tomassi, Gary Halter & Tim Curley, Steve Meloan, Kathleen Hill, and all our wonderful volunteers. We raised more than $1000 towards the Sonoma Valley Democrats Gerald Hill Memorial scholarships for our local Sonoma Valley High School seniors. Thank you to all who were able to attend
Mar.25 Virtual General Meeting
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our March meeting and help welcome Supervisor- ElectRebecca Hermosillo, the first Latina to be elected to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. Norman Gilroy of Mobilize Sonoma also gave updates on the storage of oil tankers in Schellville and plans for Sonoma Developmental Center. Minutes from the meeting can be found here: SVD March 25 2024 Minutes. Our next event will be our Spring Social on Sunday, April 28, 3-5 pm at the Springs Grange Hall.
FEB 26 SV Dems CASH MOB for Will Rollins
The Sonoma Valley Democrats hosted their February virtual General Meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024, at 6:30pm.
The special guest speaker was Will Rollins, Congressional Candidate for CA-41, one of the most competitive races in the country. Rollins lost the district by only 4.6 points in the 2022 midterm election. His opponent, Republican Ken Calvert, has opposed abortion under any circumstances and has supported anti-LGBTQI legislation. Some of Will’s priorities are infrastructure and the environment. Taking back the House is a crucial goal for the 2024 elections and CA-41 is a very flippable district!
Minutes from the meeting can be found here: SVD Gen Meet Feb 2024. Our next virtual General Meeting will be on Monday, March 25, at 6:30pm.